Empowering our communities to live free from pain and addiction.

Opening access to effective healthcare through our mobile acupuncture project.

Acupuncture channels / meridians

There is an urgent need to end addiction and effectively treat pain.

Pain and opiate addiction are causing immense suffering for tens of millions of people throughout our nation.

Over 20% of the US population suffers from daily chronic pain.

For decades, there has been an overreliance on opioids to manage chronic pain, despite their poor ability to effectively resolve pain and their high potential for addiction.

This has contributed to a devastating epidemic of addiction and overdose deaths, in addition to a large population of individuals in chronic pain without relief.

But there’s hope on the horizon.

Acupuncture can help to mitigate these public health crises we are facing and provide much needed relief.

Acupuncture effectively treats pain.

It is safe and non-addictive.

It helps support addiction recovery, eases withdrawal symptoms, reduces cravings, and relieves anxiety.

It also helps with so much more.

Acupuncture is for everyone.


Accessibility and affordability are the greatest barriers preventing people from experiencing the transformative benefits of acupuncture.

We’re tearing down these walls by bringing healing to communities struggling to access healthcare.

Our portable setup allows us to travel directly to any location to serve those in need.

We’re passionate about helping people realize their innate capacity for healing and transformation.

This is a medicine of empowerment.

Helping hands together

Together, we make a difference.

This is a movement for the community, powered by the community.

We envision a world where everyone can access the care they need to thrive.

With your support, we can treat thousands of patients each year and begin to see a world with less pain, less addiction, and fewer overdose deaths.

Help us reach the people who need it the most.

A world transformed, one person at a time.

Acupuncture is more valuable than ever to our modern world.

Backed by over 5,000 years of development and modern scientific research, it’s no longer considered an alternative treatment; it’s a mainstream, highly recommended solution.

Make a donation.

Join us in creating a brighter world.

Let’s transform suffering into healing, despair into hope, and addiction into recovery.


Join the movement and be the first to know about our upcoming events as we bring acupuncture to the people.